The most popluar Biblical baby names/Christian baby boy names for 2016:
1.Jacob (JAY-kub)
“May God protect/God has protected [him] or Supplanter. He
grasps the heal.”
Jacob - the son of Isaac, Genesis 5:26
2.Ethan (EE-thuhn)
“Strong, valiant”
Ethan - the grandson of Judah, 1 Chr. 2:6
3.Michael (MY-kuhl)
“Who is like God?”
Michael - angel, Daniel 10:13
4.Alexander (a-leks-AN-dur)
“Defender of man”
Alexander - the Great, king of Macedon, 1 Macc. 1:1
Son of Simon of Cyrene, Mk 15:21
Member of Sanhedrin with Annas, Acts 4:6
Spokesman for Jews in Ephesus, Acts 19:33
King of Syria, 1 Macc. 10:1)
5.Joshua (JAH-shoo-uh)
“ Jehovah saves”
Joshua - son of Nun, aide of Moses, Ex. 17:9
Man of Beth-shemesh where ark stopped, 1 Sam. 6:14
Ancestor of Jesus, Lk. 3:29
Governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah, 2 Kings 23:8
6.Daniel (DAN-yel)
“God is my judge”
Daniel - exiled Jewish wise man and prophet, Daniel 1:6
Priest, clan leader under Ezra, Ezra 8:2
7.Noah (NO-uh)
“To rest, repose, consolation”
Noah - builder of ark, Genesis 5:29
8.Christopher (KRIS-tuh-fur)
“Carrier of Christ”
St. Christopher - patron saint of travelers, is believed to have carried
the Christ child across a river
9.Matthew (MATH-yoo)
“Gift of God”
Matthew - Levi, tax collector, apostle, Matt. 9:9
10.David (DAY-vid)
David - son of Jesse, king of Israel, Ruth 4:17
11.Andrew (AN-droo)
Andrew - apostle, brother of Peter, Mt. 4:18
12.Joseph (JO-sehf)
“May God add. May God give increase.”
Joseph - son of Jacob and Rachel, Gen. 30:24
Husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mt. 1:16
Ancestor of Jesus, Luke 3:24,30
Musician for David, 1 Chr. 25:2
13.James (jaymz)
“Supplanter. Replace. He grabs the heel”
James - son of Zebedee, apostle, Mt 4:21
Son of Alphaeus, apostle, brother of Jesus, Matt. 13:55
Son of Mary, brother of Joseph, Matt. 27:56
14.Benjamin (BEN-juh-min)
“Son of the right hand”
Benjamin - youngest son of Jacob, Gen. 35:18
Helped repair Jerusalem’s wall, Neh. 3:23
15.Elijah (ee-LIE-juh)
“My God is Yahweh”
Elijah - the Tishbite, prophet, 1Kings 17:1
16.Gabriel (GAY-bree-uhl)
“Strong man of God” or “God is my warrior”
Gabriel - angel, Daniel 8:16
17.Christian (KRIS-chin or kris-tee-ahn)
“Follower of Christ”
Christian - follower of Christ--English meaning;
servant of Christ--Irish meaning
18.Nathan (NAY-thuhn)
"Gift of God”
Nathan - prophet, adviser of David, 2 Sam 23:36
19.John (jahn)
“Yahweh has been gracious, He has shown favor”
John - son of Zebedee, apostle, Matt. 4:21, author of Revelation, Rev. 1:1
John the Baptist, son of Zechariah, Mt. 3:1
20.Samuel (SAM-yoo-uhl)
“Asked of God, heard by God”
Samuel - judge, priest, prophet who anointed Saul and David as kings of
Israel, 1 Samuel 1:20
Listing of most popular Christian baby boy names is based on information provided by the Social Security Adminstiration